So it's been a busy busy week for me, and stressful also. Not stressful in the sense of I was saving babies lives, tackling global warming issues or solving the world hunger. No, stressful in an advertising sense. So think of nightmares such as having to brief a stylish to source 10 t-shirts in tonal range of Pantone ref #f15a22. And wondering if 1950's styling would work within the brand guideline whilst still maintaining contingency with the TV. And wondering if we should shoot those roller boots in studio or natural light to get the most believable result and briefing retouchers so that we can achieve the perfect reflection. That type of stress. Anyhow upon complaining to my lovely mum she informed me that it didn't sound stressful at all. Infact it sounded glamourous, and she had spent the week building a ramp in our back yard so that Monty (our aging arthritic dog) could get into his bed properly. It's great having family, instant perspective, so you don't get caught up in the hype of your own industry. It also makes you realise how frigging lucky you really are doing your glamourous job.
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