98fm Now is Good from Niall Flynn on Vimeo. Check out this lovely spot from Irish advertising talent, Rotcho, created for 98Fm. Sweet spot and some lovely art direction. For such a lovely idea and execution above the line it's a pity they let there below the line and digital work fall into a checklist. Twitter, check. Facebook, check. Web banners, check. Given that their campaign is about embracing the moment ('Now is good') wouldn't an online site set up to encourage others to submit their own experience of embracing the moment be engagement and interactive. Just a thought. Lovely campaign though. Jealous.com
Thanks Buddy, you too. I've kinda been neglecting this of late. It's more my personal life blog than my ad blog- not enough going on in my personal life ;)
love you blog.
nice to know you.
Thanks Buddy, you too. I've kinda been neglecting this of late. It's more my personal life blog than my ad blog- not enough going on in my personal life ;)
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