United we're useless.

The Social Network has re-inforced our inferiority complex. I speak for us collectively, when it's probably only me. My friends are equally inferior (heck that's why we're friends) so they should have felt it too, even if they didn't. Trust me on that. No-ones been near Harvard.  
Anyhow, rather than go home and do something constructive having seen it, we went to the pub. On one hand, it further endorsed our fruitless existence, and on the other Mark Zuckerberg did actually come up with the genius 'facemash' when smashed (see what I did there) and I was willing to investigate my own intelligence when intoxicated, in the interest of social science of course.

Unfortunately the only talent we did reveal was that of the hipstamtic's atmospheric capture lens and Ciaran's creepy ability to appear dead. All is not lost though, we managed to convince Phil (below) into wearing tights for Hallowe'en as an evil (gay) jester, and harrass Will into organising tickets for a post house Hallowe'en bash, which none of us we're initially cool enough to get a personal invite too. Productive evening after all, take that Zuckerberg.

Ps: It's a cool film, very well cast. Go see it. 

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